5 Reasons to Try Turkish Coffee (And How to Make It)

Estimated read time 6 min read

Turkish coffee, also known as “Türk kahvesi” in Turkish, is a traditional method of coffee preparation that has been enjoyed for centuries in Turkey and across the Middle East. Known for its strong flavor, rich aroma, and unique preparation process, Turkish coffee offers a distinct coffee-drinking experience that is unlike any other. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore five compelling reasons to try Turkish coffee and provide step-by-step instructions on how to make it at home.

Reasons to Try Turkish Coffee

Rich History and Cultural Significance

Turkish coffee holds a special place in Turkish culture and tradition. It has been an integral part of social gatherings, celebrations, and daily rituals for centuries. By trying Turkish coffee, you can immerse yourself in the rich history and cultural heritage of this beloved beverage.

Intense Flavor and Aroma

One of the most distinctive features of Turkish coffee is its intense flavor and aroma. Brewed using finely ground coffee beans and simmered to perfection, Turkish coffee boasts a bold and robust flavor profile that is sure to awaken your senses and delight your palate.

Unique Preparation Process

The process of making Turkish coffee is an art form in itself. From grinding the coffee beans to brewing the coffee in a special pot called a “cezve” and serving it in tiny cups, every step is carefully orchestrated to ensure the perfect cup of coffee. Trying your hand at making Turkish coffee allows you to experience this unique preparation process firsthand.

Versatility in Serving Option

Turkish coffee can be enjoyed in various ways to suit different preferences. Whether you prefer your coffee sweet or strong, you can customize your Turkish coffee by adjusting the amount of sugar and water used during brewing. Additionally, Turkish coffee can be served with a side of Turkish delight or a glass of water to cleanse the palate.

Shared Experience and Hospitality

In Turkish culture, serving Turkish coffee is a gesture of hospitality and friendship. Sharing a cup of Turkish coffee with friends, family, or guests is a cherished tradition that fosters connections and strengthens relationships. By trying Turkish coffee, you can partake in this meaningful shared experience and create lasting memories with loved ones.

How to Make Turkish Coffee


  • Freshly ground Turkish coffee beans (finely ground)
  • Cold water
  • Sugar (optional)


  • Cezve (Turkish coffee pot)
  • Small cups for serving


Measure the Water

For each serving of Turkish coffee, use approximately 1 demitasse cup (about 3 ounces) of cold water.

Add the Coffee

Place one heaping teaspoon of finely ground Turkish coffee into the cezve for each serving.

Add Sugar (Optional)

If desired, add sugar to the cezve according to your preference. Traditional Turkish coffee is often served unsweetened, but you can adjust the sweetness to taste.

Stir and Heat

Gently stir the coffee and water together in the cezve until the coffee grounds are fully saturated. Place the cezve on the stovetop over low to medium heat.

Bring to a Boil

Allow the coffee mixture to come to a gentle boil, watching carefully to prevent boiling over. As the coffee heats, a foamy layer known as “köpük” will begin to form on the surface.

Simmer and Serve

Once the coffee reaches a boil, reduce the heat and allow it to simmer for another minute or two. The coffee is ready when the foam has risen to the top of the cezve. Remove the cezve from the heat and let it sit for a moment to allow the grounds to settle.

Pour and Serve

Carefully pour the brewed Turkish coffee into small cups, making sure to distribute the foam evenly among the servings. Serve immediately, along with a glass of water to cleanse the palate if desired.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Turkish coffee stronger than regular coffee?

Yes, Turkish coffee is typically stronger and more intense in flavor than regular brewed coffee due to its unique preparation method and finely ground coffee beans.

Can I use a different type of coffee to make Turkish coffee?

For the most authentic flavor, it’s best to use freshly ground Turkish coffee beans specifically intended for making Turkish coffee. However, you can experiment with different types of coffee beans to achieve a unique flavor profile.

How do I adjust the sweetness of Turkish coffee?

The sweetness of Turkish coffee can be adjusted by varying the amount of sugar added during brewing. You can omit the sugar entirely for unsweetened coffee or add more sugar for a sweeter taste.

Can I make Turkish coffee without a cezve?

While a cezve is traditionally used to make Turkish coffee, you can improvise with a small saucepan or pot if you don’t have a cezve available. However, using a cezve will help achieve the authentic texture and flavor of Turkish coffee.

What is the significance of serving Turkish coffee with water?

Serving Turkish coffee with a glass of water is a customary practice that serves both practical and symbolic purposes. The water is used to cleanse the palate between sips of coffee and is also a gesture of hospitality and respect for the guest.

Can I add milk to Turkish coffee?

Traditional Turkish coffee is served without milk, but you can add milk if desired to create a variation known as “kaymaklı Türk kahvesi” or “milk foam Turkish coffee.” However, this is not the traditional way of serving Turkish coffee.

How should I store Turkish coffee beans?

To preserve the freshness and flavor of Turkish coffee beans, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place away from moisture, heat, and sunlight. Avoid storing coffee beans in the refrigerator or freezer, as exposure to moisture and temperature fluctuations can affect their quality.


Turkish coffee offers a unique and flavorful coffee-drinking experience that is steeped in tradition and culture. From its rich history and intense flavor to its unique preparation process and shared experience of hospitality, there are many reasons to try Turkish coffee. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can enjoy the rich aroma and bold taste of Turkish coffee in the comfort of your own home. Whether sipped solo or shared with loved ones, Turkish coffee is sure to delight your senses and leave you craving more.

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